Do realtors need to panic?

Now they’re trying to go after realtors.

Well, not exactly. What the FAA has done is issue what’s called a “Notice of Interpretation and Request for Comment.” In this notice, the FAA is seeking comments on its proposed interpretation of the model aircraft exemption in the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012. That law requires the FAA to promulgate rules governing unmanned aerial vehicles by no later than 2015. They are waaaaay behind in meeting that date, as indicated in the previous post. This is just a baby step on the path to creating a full set of enforceable regulations.*

*The FAA claims that realtors and other commercial use operators would be subject to current FAA regulations, as well. But the FAA doesn’t point out what those regulations would be.

Watching the watchers

Perhaps this guy has way too much time on his hands, but he’s conducting an interesting experiment in citizen vigilance:

A South Bay man who routinely records police activity has started using an unmanned drone to help with filming, just the latest example of how law enforcement is increasingly encountering the technology on the civilian side.

Of course, the FAA quotes never cease to give me a chuckle:

The FAA estimated in a report that there could be 7,500 civilian hobbyist drones in use within five years. Federal officials said they hope to craft clearer civilian drone rules by 2015, but some experts said that’s too optimistic a timeline.

Ya’ think?